Morristown TN Certified as Connected Community

Morristown, Tennessee is pleased to be one of only two connected communities in the state of Tennessee. This designation is important as it allows both businesses and residents of our community to enjoy:A better business environment

  • More effective community and economic development
  • Improved healthcare
  • More efficient government
  • Enhanced education and
  • Improved quality of life

The Connected program is part of the Connected Tennessee initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce NT A State Broadband Initiative Program. It involved building a comprehensive action plan for developing a technology-ready community  through an extensive community assessment.

The process of certification was extensive. The Morristown Area Chamber of Commerce’s board represented every sector and assisted with gathering the data to complete the Connected assessment.

Morristown was positioned well for this certification, as the area’s FiberNet Services and access numbers were excellent, far above the average numbers for other communities who chose to participate in the assessment.

If you are searching for a community that is able to keep your business connected …  select Morristown , Tn.

For the full article, please visit WATE.

Morristown Area Chamber of Commerce * 825 W. First North Street * P.O. Box 9 * Morristown, TN 37815 * 423-586-6382 * 423-586-6576 fax