Labor Market & Workforce

As the geographic center of East Tennessee, Morristown pulls most of its labor force from Hamblen and seven surrounding counties with a combined population of nearly 350,000 people.

With nearly 13,000 people living and working here and over 19,000 commuting in to the county to work, Hamblen County has long been considered a hub for employment.  Residents of the seven closest counties drive into Hamblen County in half an hour or less.                                      Source: – On The Map Data

Travel Time

With nearly 100 manufacturers in the community, we have a strong manufacturing workforce representing over 24% of the total workforce in Hamblen County.

Employment By Industry – Hamblen County

Industry # Jobs % of Total
Manufacturing 10,008 23.7%
Retail Trade 4,840 11.5%
Health Care, Social & Educational Services 3,812 9.0%
Government, State & Local 3,882 9.2%
Administrative & Support Services 4,194 9.9%
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 2,620 6.2%
Wholesale Trade 1,557 3.7%
Construction 2,211 5.2%
Accommodation & Food Services 3,043 7.2%
Other Services, except Public Admin. 1,893 4.5%
Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 949 2.3%
All Other 1,584 3.8%

Source:  Bureau of Economic Analysis – 2022 Employment by Industry

Having an available workforce with well-trained employees is vital to attracting industry & business to Morristown and Hamblen County. Programs through TN College of Applied Technology and Walters State Community College provide for both current and future needs for skilled and semi-skilled workers.

Other Labor Characteristics include:

·         Tennessee is a right-to-work state.
·         Hamblen County’s average weekly manufacturing wage is $1,079.00 (Q2 2023 Avg., Bureau of Labor Statistics)
·         Unemployment Rate was 3.4% in Hamblen County (December 2024, TN Dept. of Labor & Workforce Dev.)
·         Unemployment Rate ranged from 3.5 to 4.9% in the seven surrounding counties (December 2024, TN Dept. of Labor & Workforce Dev.)
Morristown Area Chamber of Commerce * 825 W. First North Street * P.O. Box 9 * Morristown, TN 37815 * 423-586-6382 * 423-586-6576 fax